Risk Assessment for Witham Friary Parish Council
The Management of Risk is an important part of the Council’s work; making sure that people who use our facilities are safe, giving the staff the protection they need and protecting our assets that the Council hold. Risk Assessment is a systematic general examination of working conditions, activities and environmental factors that enable the Council to identify any and all potential risks. The Council based on recorded assessment will take all practical and necessary steps to reduce risks in so far as it practically possible
Assessment Date: 12.07.21 Review Date Feb 2024
Hazard & Risk People At Risk Causes Controls in Place Severity Probability Target Date / Who
Business Continuity
The lack of adequate plans to ensure the business continuity of the Council operations Councillors
Public Council not be able to continue its business due to a unexpected or tragic circumstance Online backup in place via Onedrive, allowing retrieval by all Councillors if needed. Medium Low
Meeting Location
Adequate Health & Safety and COVID compliance All attendees Accidents, insufficient provisions in place The Village Hall has its own Risk Assessment for insurance purposes a copy of which has been furnished to the Council along with COVID protocols in place. The premises are considered in a good condition relating to H&S, accessibility and comfort of those attending. There is a disabled access and accessible toilet. Medium Medium
Financial Viability
Lack of proper accounting, controls, poor budget activity and illegal expenditure Councillors
Public The extent to which the financial Security is affect by internal and external events The Council acts as a Finance Committee who meet regularly to consider spending and budget. Internal Auditors conduct independent verification. Items of expenditure are recorded in the minutes. VAT reclaimed annually and PAYE paid quarterly and those who are signatories will have sight of payment portals advising amounts paid. Medium Low
Adequacy of
Public Not providing for the needs of the Community Sound budgeting and Full Council to monitor budget information. Budgets prepared and agreed by full Council Low Low
Banking and Cash
Loss of monies and security thereof Councillors
Public Payments are authorised and noted in the minutes. Financial Regulations to abide by setting out requirements. No petty Cash provision/. There is a cheque provision following a lock out of online banking as a short term measure whilst a bank move is undertaken. Moving to Unity bank will provide 2nd level of authorisation when making payments. Medium Low
Statutory Requirements
Accuracy/legality and failure of performance of the Clerk Council
Clerk Failure to fulfil duties and non compliance affects the reputation of the Council All actions are minuted. Clerk to be qualified but in the meantime support of NALC and SLCC will be required and paid for by the Council. An appraisal of the Clerk in place along with disciplinary procedures if required. In relation to Council there is a Code of Conduct, compliance with the Financial Regulations and business conducted in line and managed by the Chairman according to Standing orders. An internal audit will hold actions to account. Clerk to provide a timetable for future AGAR submissions.
Death / Serious Injury from Negligence
Failure to safeguard against Play Park Public especially those U18 Lack of RA and action at the Community Garden Equipment for the play area is inspected annually. A member of Council provides a monthly report on the area which is verbally provided and points noted with any points identified an actioned in a timely manner. High Medium
Council Records
Loss through damage Council Ensuring and maintaining legacy Key records both current and legacy are held at the home address of the Clerk. Legacy records are in an archive area in a secured building out of sight. Key current records are held in a locked metal filing cabinet low Low
Employers Liability
Duty of care as an employer to the Clerk Council Ensuring the working conditions are adequate and in line with government requirements A working from home Risk Assessment will be required by the Clerk using a standardised template will ensure the awareness of the Clerk and the employer. This RA to be reviewed on an annual basis. Low Low
Insufficient Councillors
Unable to carry out the business and operations Council
Public Failure to attract – not achieving a quorum Website and social media updated regularly on Council activities along with traditional means of a noticeboard. The Annual meeting is held within the village. Low Low
Assessors signature Date Clerk’s Signature Date