
Grant Awarding Policy and Application Form

Policies Uploaded on January 31, 2023


Witham Friary Parish Council

This policy was adopted by Council at its meeting held on November 2022


Witham Friary Parish Council are pleased to be able, through its payments from Distgen to operate a grant scheme available to organisations for a specific purpose and of benefit to the parish or its electorate which is not controlled or administered by the Parish Council.  Any scheme must be able to demonstrate that it will either:

  • Enhance the quality of life of those in the parish
  • Promote the Parish
  • Improve the surroundings or environment
  • Provide a much-needed service

Any grant is awarded at the Council’s discretion to non-profit or charitable organisations which can demonstrate a clear need for financial support.

Application Procedure

Grants are provided annually with £2k available per financial year.  Applications should be submitted to the Clerk by 30th of each month and each application should not exceed £500.   The application will then be reviewed by full council at is next meeting with each application decided on its own merits.   Following the meeting of full Council, the Clerk will inform the applicant of the Council’s decision, arrange payment if necessary or provide reasons if the application was unsuccessful.

Any inclusion of grant funding will be notified on the respective agenda’s and subsequent meeting minutes details of which will be the public domain.

Eligibility and Conditions

For any grant given the following criteria must be followed:

  • More than one application made be made but in total not exceeding £500 for the financial year
  • The organisation applying must be non-profit making
  • Organisations must clearly list its aims and objectives
  • Details of the project, service or activity must be given
  • Applications must demonstrate a clear need for funding
  • Details of the proportion or the number of beneficiaries in the electoral parish
  • A report detailing how the money was spent should be provided within 6 months of payment being provided along with receipts
  • Any grant must be used for the purpose for which it was awarded

The Council still has the right to exercise at any time its duty of power under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, S 137 in providing financial assistance or grants to local or national organisations.

Any organisation or group requiring more information should contact the Clerk, Jen Gregory on 07912177288 or email 9 Cobblers Way, Westfield, Radstock, BA3 3BX.    Applications to be sent to the foregoing contact information detail.


Name of Organisation  



Amount Required £



Details and aims of the project  










How will the parish benefit?  











Why is funding required?  









Payment Details Account Name


Sort Code


Account Number



I agree to provide a report to Witham Friary Parish Council within 6 months of the payment being provided along with any relevant receipts for goods purchased.

Signed…………………………………………………                                  Dated ………………………………………………………

Name ………………………………………………….