
Agenda for 14.03.23

Agendas Uploaded on March 7, 2023

6th March 2023

To: All Members of Witham Friary Parish Council, District Cllr Gay, County Councillor Clarke.

Dear Councillor

You are summoned to a full council meeting of the Witham Friary Parish Council on Tuesday 14th March 2023 7.30pm.  The meeting will be held at Witham Village Hall.

The meeting will consider the items set out below.

J A Gregory


Jennifer Gregory

Parish Clerk


03.22/23.01     Apologies for absence and to consider reasons given

1.1         Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given.


03.22/23.02     Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

2.1         Members to declare any interest they may have in agenda items in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

2.2         To receive written requests for dispensation for disclosable pecuniary interests.

  • To grant any dispensation as appropriate.

03.22/23.03     Minutes of the previous meeting held

  •      To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13th December 2022


03.22/23.04     Planning Applications for consideration

None at present time.


03.22/23.05     Finances             

6.1         Budget review – document circulated for review


6.2         To present current financial statement and balance on accounts – Balance on accounts showing as £31088.92


6.3        To agree schedule of payments as indicated below:


6.3         Year End process update by Clerk


03.22/23.06     Reports

7.1         Chairman’s Report

7.2         Highways (FN)

7.3         Communications (MF)

  • Recreation Ground (WS/JK)

7.5          Play Patch (JK)

  •       Footpaths (LS)
  • Biodiversity Officers (LS MF)
  •      Dovecote – Progress update


03.22/23.07     Network Rail update (MF)


03.22/23.08     Witham Water update (FN)

                            8.0         Leaflet


03.22/23.09     Other business referred to the Clerk

9.1         Cricket Update – Future Plans

9.2         Website update

9.3         Cllr Gay – gritting request


03.22/23.10     Date of next meeting

                             11.1       Next meeting to be held 11th April 2023
