Council Members

Lynne Sewell


I moved to Witham Friary in November 2000 from Surrey.  I had lived in a rented cottage in the grounds of Home Farm Minley (owned by MoD) for about 15 years.  This was set in acres and acres of woodland and old pastureland and although the house had no central heating and was very remote, I loved living there.  The Mod wanted the land back for training purposes and I was evicted, I then bought a house on a big housing estate, which I hated.  I decided that I needed to live in the countryside so looked at houses across Somerset and finally settled on Witham Friary.

I met my now husband, Steve Orr, in the pub and we have been together for 20 years.

I am a Community Psychiatric Nurse and currently work in Yeovil.  I would like to see better public transport links for the village, it seems ridiculous that we have trains running through that are unable to stop.

I enjoy living in the village and wanted to get more involved so stood for election in the last parish council election and was lucky enough to get elected.  My main council responsibilities are footpaths and biodiversity.  I am a member of the ‘Lost Footpaths group and was a founding member of ‘Sustainable Witham’.

I would like to see better public transport links for the village, it seems ridiculous that we have trains running through that are unable to stop and no bus service to speak of.

My hobbies are walking, reading, knitting and conservation.  I have recently started volunteering for ARC (amphibian and reptile conservation society) and hope to work with them more in the future.