
Model Publications Scheme (ICO)

Policies Uploaded on January 31, 2023

Information available from Witham Friary Parish Council

under the Model Publication Scheme

Adopted May 22

Annual Review Feb 24

Information to be published How information can be obtained Cost
Class 1 Who we are and what we do

(Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts)

Who’s who on the Council and its Committees Website

Available from Clerk upon request in writing


15p per page

Contact details for the Parish Clerk and Council Members Website

Available from Clerk upon request in writing


15p per page

Staffing structure Part-time Clerk
Class 2 -What we spend and how we spend it

(Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit) current and previous financial year

Annual return form and report by auditor Available from Clerk upon request in writing  

15p per page

Finalised budget Available from Clerk upon request in writing  

15p per page

Precept Available from Clerk upon request in writing  

15p per page

Financial standing Order and Regulations Available from Clerk upon request in writing  

15p per page

Grants given and received Website (minutes)

Available from Clerk upon request in writing


15p per page

List of current contracts awarded and value of contract Available from Clerk upon request in writing  

15p per page

Members’ allowances and expenses Available from Clerk upon request in writing  

15p per page

Class 3 – what our priorities and how we are doing?

(Strategies, plans, performance indicators, audits inspections and reviews)

Parish Plan No current plan
Annual Report to Parish or Community Meeting (current and previous year) Website (minutes)

Available from Clerk upon request in writing

Quality Status Not applied for
Local charters drawn up in accordance with DCLG guidelines None
Class 4 How we make decisions

(Decision making processes and records of decisions)

Current and previous year




Agendas of meetings Website

Noticeboard – 3 clear days before meeting

Available from Clerk upon request in writing



15p per page

Minutes of meetings NB this will exclude information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting Website

Available from Clerk upon request in writing

Reports presented to Council meetings – NB this will include information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting Available from Clerk upon request in writing
Responses to consultation papers Available from Clerk upon request in writing
Responses to planning applications Website (minutes)

Available from Clerk upon request in writing

Bye- Laws None at present
Class 5 – Our Policies and Procedures

(Current written protocols, policies and procedures) Current information only

Policies and procedures for the conduct of council business


Procedural standing orders


Committee and subcommittee terms of reference


Delegated authority in respect of officers


Code of Conduct


Policy Statements

Currently being worked on during the remainder of 2021/22 and will be available from the Clerk upon request in writing early 2022 15p per copy
Policies and procedures for the provision of services and about the employment of staff


Internal policies relating to the delivery of services


Health and safety Policy


Recruitment policies (including current vacancies


Complaints procedures


Aim to Answer enquires within 3 working days and resolve within 14 days



Conform to Health & Safety directives


Refer to Clerk within written request


Under Development





15p per page




15p per page


15p per page

Information Security Policy Website

Under Development

Records Management Policies (records, retention, destruction and archive) Under Development
Data Protection Policies Under Development
Schedule of charges (for the publication of information) Attached to this document
Class 6 List and Registers

(Currently maintained lists and registers only)

Assets Register None
Disclosure log None
Register of members’ interests On MDC website

Available from the Clerk upon request in writing



15p per page

Register of gifts and hospitality Available from the Clerk upon request in writing  

15p per page

Class 7 – The services we offer

(Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance, and newsletter produced for the public and businesses)

Current information only


Allotments Not applicable
Burial grounds and closed churchyards Not applicable
Community centres and village halls Apply to Witham Friary Village Hall
Parks, playing fields, and recreational facilities Available from Clerk upon request in writing
Bus shelter Available from Clerk upon request in writing
Markets n/a
Public Conveniences n/a
Agency agreements n/a
A summary of services for which the council is entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees (eg burial fees) n/a


Contact details, Clerk to Witham Friary Parish Council

Mrs J Gregory

9 Cobblers Way


Radstock, BA3 3BX








Schedule of charges

Type of Charge Description Basis of Charge
Disbursement Cost Photocopying at 15p per A4 sheet (black and white) Actual cost incurred by the Parish Council
Photocopying at 75p per A4 sheet (colour) Actual cost incurred by the Parish Council
Postage Actual Cost of Royal Mail 2nd class
Packaging per item Actual Cost


NB plans submitted for Planning Applications may be viewed at Mendip District Council